Emergenza Sanitaria Aerea
I Corsi di Elisoccorso H.E.M.S. e A.H.S.R., ufficialmente riconosciuti dal Ministero della Salute con accreditamento ECM, sono rivolti alle figure sanitarie regolarmente iscritte all’albo professionale degli Infermieri e Ordine dei Medici, con l’obiettivo di acquisire le specifiche competenze richieste ai Membri di Equipaggi Sanitari impegnati in Elisoccorso.
Corso di Elisoccorso H.E.M.S.
Rivolto alle figure sanitarie regolarmente iscritte all’albo professionale degli Infermieri e Medici.
Corso di Elisoccorso Avanzato A.H.S.R.
Rivolto alle figure professionali sanitarie e tecniche che hanno voglia di acquisire le specifiche competenze e professionalità da applicare in contesti e scenari difficili
Cerca il corso adatto a te
Elisoccorso H.E.M.S.
Helicopter Emergerncy Medical Service
Prossimo Corso
05 - 09 Maggio 2025
Elisoccorso Avanzato A.H.S.R.
Advanced Helicopter Search and Rescue
Prossimo Corso
07 - 11 Aprile 2025
Discover Private Jet Benefits
Travel the world for free
As well as getting to fly to many different destinations as part of their job, airplane pilots get big discounts on
High salary & bonus
As well as getting to fly to many different destinations as part of their job, airplane pilots get big discounts on
Career progression
As well as getting to fly to many different destinations as part of their job, airplane pilots get big discounts on
Flexible Schedule
As well as getting to fly to many different destinations as part of their job, airplane pilots get big discounts on
Excellent advantages
As well as getting to fly to many different destinations as part of their job, airplane pilots get big discounts on
Coolest job in the world
As well as getting to fly to many different destinations as part of their job, airplane pilots get big discounts on
Medici Formati
Infermieri Formati
Corsi H.E.M.S.
Corsi A.H.S.R.
Our Customer Feedback
We teach martial arts because we love it — not because we want to make money on you.
Jhon Abraham
Marketing ManagerWe teach martial arts because we love it — not because we want to make money on you.
Randall Schwartz
Marketing ManagerWe teach martial arts because we love it — not because we want to make money on you.
Jhon Abraham
Marketing ManagerWe teach martial arts because we love it — not because we want to make money on you.
Randall Schwartz
Marketing ManagerEnti di Stato Reparti Aerei